Manage researchers and industrialists before the war, and emphasize a military cabinet once the world inexorably slides into conflict. Internal Politics:Choose your war cabinet based on your current needs. Assume Control of Any Nation:Choose from the greatest powers striving for victory, or challenge yourself as one of the smaller nations simply trying to weather the storm. Coordination of air, land and sea theaters is vital to overall success. Complex Military Simulation:Give orders to army groups composed of divisions of your own design, driving towards your objectives and managing supply lines. Prepare your nation for the coming storm, transforming the geopolitical landscape in your favor.

Main Features: Rewarding Strategic Gameplay:Manage continent wide battle fronts and a complex research tree, alongside diplomacy and politics. Hearts of Iron IV is a compelling simulation of modern war that rewards replay and strategic thinking. This grand strategy wargame offers both deep historical gameplay and tantalizing alternate histories as the dramatic events of the Second World War unfold on your computer. Take command of the world’s mightiest war machine, managing industry, diplomacy and battle plans to defend your interests and dominate the planet in Hearts of Iron IV. And when I've done that planning - when I've formulated my character sheet, as it were - I have the utmost confidence that Hearts of Iron 4 will be ready for me to play a role in world affairs.” What I need to do is some serious reading, some careful planning on what my vision for the United States should be in 1936. Not because I'm sick of it quite the contrary, in fact. “For now, after many dozens of hours, I'm taking a break from Hearts of Iron 4. But I have never played anything like Hearts of Iron 4” There are other great strategic-level wargames out there.

“It captivates me because-imperfectly, impressionistically, and perhaps a little amorally-it lets me orchestrate the most titanic armed struggles in history, from the fussy economic details to the cut-and-thrust of mechanized warfare. “Hearts of Iron 4 wields complexity like a swift armor division during the blitzkrieg, allowing it to serve the idea of layered, cerebral, strategic warfare instead of letting it needlessly bog down the experience.”