Something has been up with the Garrick on Earth 1. The lost-his-speed-trapped-on-Earth-1-and-also-dead Jay Garrick, you ask? Well, sort of.
#Zoom flash unmasked series
We know the actor who plays Thawne, Rick Cosnett, is on another series right now, but the use of a costume throughout the season and a transformed voice mean that Cosnett would only have to make a brief guest appearance to fulfill the role.Īs for the man in the iron mask on Earth 2, here’s another theory: Jay Garrick.

Holding back any details on his character might allow the writers to create a compelling narrative for Thawne’s transformation into Zoom. It’s uncertain if Thawne is actually a detective at all on Earth 2, whether he harbors feelings for Earth 2 Iris, or if he sees Earth 2 Barry as a competitor. Joe West isn’t his partner, and neither is Iris – nor is she his girlfriend, for that matter. We haven’t seen any details of Thawne’s life on Earth 2, but we know it must be different. The musical-themed episode saw Glee alumni Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist reunite to show off their talent.Who does that leave? Our best guess is Earth 2 Eddie Thawne, who on Earth 1 was the ancestor of Season 1 villain Eobard Thawne. Once the crossover has been watched, you can view the remainder of each respective season accordingly.Ī fun mini crossover took place between The Flash and Supergirl in episode 17. Unless you are watching the episodes in chronological order we’d recommend watching the first seven episodes of The Flash and Arrow first, six episodes of DC’s Legends, and finally the first seven episodes of Supergirl. Despite not having an official crossover episode with the rest of the Arrowverse, Supergirl still took part. The fifth year of the Arrowverse saw the addition of Supergirl to The CW after leaving her first home at CBS. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 2×7 – Invasion Part 3.Like the previous year, we’d recommend watching the first seven episodes of The Flash and Arrow, respectively, before watching the crossovers.

Make sure to look out for episode 18 for when The Flash makes an appearance. DC Legend’s saw the utilization of all of the new, and established superheroes, and some rogues, from the previous three years.Īs Supergirl remained relatively separate from the rest of the Arrowverse, for the most part, in season one, you can get away with watching the majority of the series without worrying about continuity. Supergirl aired on CBS first before eventually arriving on The CW. The fourth year of the Arrowverse saw two new massive arrivals, Supergirl and DC Legends of Tomorrow. Series: Arrow | The Flash | Supergirl | DC Legends of Tomorrow

Once you’ve watched the crossovers you can view the remaining episodes of Arrow and The Flash however you please, respectively.

It’s our recommendation that you watch the first seven episodes of Arrow, and then the first seven episodes of Flash before watching the crossover. Every future season of Arrow and The Flash would have a crossover episode in the eighth or ninth episode of the season. The crossover between Arrow and The Flash was officially the very first of the Arrowverse and laid the groundwork for future crossovers. The Flash hadn’t aired on The CW at the time, but Grant Gustin as Barry Allen was an instant hit with Arrow fans. Season 2 did mark the beginning of the future of the Arrowverse when Barry Allen debuted in episodes 2×8 and 2×9 of Arrow. One of the best seasons of Arrow, and easily of the entire Arrowverse, season 2 also goes uninterrupted as it was the only Arrowverse series still available at the time. Year 1 of Arrowverse was literally just Arrow so that’s the best place to start. We start at the beginning with season 1 of Arrow.